This site was designed + developed by me, with the help of anime.js and fonts by Leah Maldonado :)
Navigation module for an in-progress website redesign for Cayuga Lodge, a cooperative living house at Cornell University in Ithaca NY:
This site was designed + developed by me, with the help of anime.js and fonts by Leah Maldonado :)
Navigation module for an in-progress website redesign for Cayuga Lodge, a cooperative living house at Cornell University in Ithaca NY:
The B.A.R.
The Bartender Assistant Robot (or B.A.R.) is an interactive bar prototype that uses light and motion to (1) improve communication between the bartender and bar patrons and (2) provide a novel and fun experience for bar patrons.
A few more specific functions the B.A.R. can take on are:
For more info, download the write-up.
The final prototype-a single module
A projection of a fully implemented B.A.R.
Charlotte was a prototype for an interactive toy. Motion sensors on a control box translate the player’s motions into the spider’s visual output. Charlotte was the beginning of an exploration into indirect, nonlinear, and physically engaging ways to create art-making interfaces.
For an in-depth look into the design process and hardware specs of Charlotte, download the write-up.
This prototype was created for the course Rapid Prototyping and Physical Computing at Cornell University in Fall 2018 with Annie Hughey and Elijah Weber-Han.
Charlotte's control box